As I put finger to keys news breaks as David Cameron lands in Egypt as his 'Window of opportunity' for reform in Egypt is open. I was about to talk (write) about, well the first part of the above title and the Cameron ideological moves towards Americanisation(in republican political terms), I mean shrinking government. Apart from my strong misgivings regarding making public service one big charity organisation (or is it loads of little ones) incoherently making tea and saying oh how awful while others rant against the machine, it is truly a remarkable exposure and measure of how much uncalculated risk the man is willing to take.
Of course, the very meddling from the former colonials (in the eyes of the Arabs) is what brought about the regimes that they have come to detest in the first place. So surely landing in Egypt now as well as unstitching the fabric of Britain are bad for erm, well Britain!?
If I was every in doubt I am now sure. The prefects have taken over the school and they are in a little rowing boat in the middle of the pacific, Nic on one oar and Dave on the other.
Qualcomm's Skifta and the TuneIn failure.
I was all excited. Then I was really quite deflated. It seemed I had
reached my Nirvana only to find myself filled with a desire that can only
lead to s...
11 years ago
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