I posted this on Twitter earlier today
"NewsNight: did anyone note the thick silence when Gigi Ibrahim said she was a Revolutionary Socialist? So eloquent and pro democracy too!"
My main focus was my little girl on my lap taking from a bottle in my hand and the fact that I was quite exhausted and really didn't want to fall asleep with her there. As a distraction, Newsnight is my often friend on these occasions. They were talking earlier about revolutions and young educated women coming to the surface as leaders and so on. An interesting development in itself, bit not my concern here.
Gigi Ibrahim, speaking fluent American English with a subtle Arabic Accent waxed eloquently and intelligently as the host (cant remember who is was now;I was tired) asked generally about events and brought in other guests etc. Then the question was posed whether the protesters had any political leanings or ideologies as it was implied that the revolution in Egypt not an ideological conflict, political religious or otherwise. quite matter of factly Gigi responded that she was a revolutionary socialist but that didn't necessarily reflect the views of other protesters. The silent deep breaths of air in the studios of other guests and the host told a tale that may define the west's approach to the final outcome.
I am sure the Commercial and military deals will still be in place who ever comes in.
Qualcomm's Skifta and the TuneIn failure.
I was all excited. Then I was really quite deflated. It seemed I had
reached my Nirvana only to find myself filled with a desire that can only
lead to s...
11 years ago
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