Everyone's a winner baby, that aint the truth; to coin the words of a well known sometimes bridge player..
As a Labour stronghold it was going to be difficult to truly gauge the mood of the country to the Blue n Orange party, but, if I were to hazard a guess, I'd say their potential downfall is not the economy stupid this time. The last 15 or so years has brought more people through higher education and in general we have a more savy bunch. We trust in brands; Labour, Conservative, LibDem. The LibDems have definitely tarnished their brand as their core has been taped in blue. The Conservatives, conversely have found the old apple core from the 80's and got a PR man to sell it. But in the end it's just an old rotten core that was bitter all along.
May day, May day! Now for that Cuppa.
Qualcomm's Skifta and the TuneIn failure.
I was all excited. Then I was really quite deflated. It seemed I had
reached my Nirvana only to find myself filled with a desire that can only
lead to s...
11 years ago
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