Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Can't do, wont do; a prefect all at sea.

We will sell you guns and missiles! 
Admittedly I have never nailed my flag to the centre (ish) right mast and I am far from a believer in the Libertarian, Anarchistic ideology. Saying that I have always considered the likes of David Cameron and William Hague to be well intentioned people at heart. May be that is still to be born out and  my current anger, misinformed.  I am certainly a believer of, if you want people to travel down a certain road then you need to build the roads and build them from where they are now. Discarding the old roads but asking those who need new ones to build them themselves is a little bit 'Let them eat cake' ( a la Marie Antoinette for those of us who didn't read history at Oxford). So we have an ideology of young conservatism of the Thatcher era which tore the heart out of British humanity eating away at the innards of current leadership. A philosophy born of millionaires and not for the better, greater society.

The well intentioned amateurism of Messrs Hague and Cameron has none been more evident this Arab Spring. While William observes the the dramatic nature and the likely consequence's of the fact that the Arabs are humans with normal human needs like us (the great civilised people of  the west) after all, David sups with the tyrants. One hopes that Mr Cameron(David) will have been lecturing the Saudis on the merits of pluralism rather than begging them to pump more oil and buy more of our guns. The confused messages, never the less, show off a bunch of guys put in charge of the Zoo, having lost all the animals and no idea how to start getting them back.


Tuesday, 22 March 2011

It's the way I tweeted them. So they called!

Something that tickled me. So I had to share. Below is a response to a recent Tweet. My tweets spread through, twitter, facebook and LinkedIn. The response is from my old friend Catherine.
As a Bahrani (Never been to Bahrain), why is my government (British) not going to the aid of the Bahraini people?Are Libyans more worthy?
Catherine Osborn 
Thank you for calling the United Nations Humanitarian Hotline, please listen carefully to the following options.: Press 1 if you have oil. If you have no oil, please hang up now. Thank you. All of our agents are currently busy obliterating other oil-producing nations. You are being held in a queue; please don't hang up, your oil is important to us. [Cue Greensleeves]

The events represented in this story are real. Any similarities represented in the news are purely coincidental!

Friday, 4 March 2011

You win again: Barnsley Central sticks to Labour - PR and Hot Chocolate

Everyone's a winner baby, that aint the truth; to coin the words of a well known sometimes bridge player..
As a Labour stronghold it was going to be difficult to truly gauge the mood of the country to the Blue n Orange party, but, if I were to hazard a guess, I'd say their potential downfall is not the economy stupid this time. The last 15 or so years has brought more people through higher education and in general we have a more savy bunch. We trust in brands; Labour, Conservative, LibDem. The LibDems have definitely tarnished their brand as their core has been taped in blue. The Conservatives, conversely have found the old apple core from the 80's and got a PR man to sell it. But in the end it's just an old rotten core that was bitter all along.
May day, May day! Now for that Cuppa.