Saturday, 6 November 2010

Fatherhood, baby poo and politics.

Well I'm just testing this new app on my Android phone so it's really just an excuse subject. Saying that I have recently become a father to a beautiful baby girl and the poo thing is therefore very current and politics is certainly very poo right now.

British politics is stuck in some sort of farce with the triamph of misguided ideology over sober pragmatism. Where as in America, we have a pragmatic president being to honest and suggesting his public might be less clever than one might hope and a nutty Ms Palin releasing an ad(post mid terms) which is so lowest commen denominator thta she clearly assumes her public are stupid, but simply sinks to their level and smile. Now I breathe.

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Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The mad hatter's tea party's US tour.

The mad hatters tea party didn't quite get into full swing, thank fully.

There is, however, an under current of right wing extremism and selfishness in America (thankfully far from the majority) that sits very uncomfortably with most reasonable rational people. It is ironic that they often compare the left as the taliban, when it is they, with a few changes of names and titles, who would fit the Whahhabiate  mould best.(Wahhabi? That's the extreme version of Islam that all the nutty blowuppy myself lot practice. It's a bit like burn in hell evangelical stuff gone too far) .
They are their own biggest enemy, but they just don't see it. Is Europe really so bad that they hate the way we go about things?
I feel sorry for Obama as he is struggling against a culture that simply will not change even if it means they will die because of it. I hope it never happens here. David C beware, big society could lead you right there. Unintentionally of course!

Mind you quite a few people voted for Obama originally. So there is a silent majority of rationality. Just wish they weren't so impatient. Mind you most good people are proven by history and not by their popularity at the time. I know it's a cliché, but I had to say it.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Ideology and carpet bombing.

Not quite how I planned this blog as intended to start some months ago. Time has been mine enemy. The current cuts bonanza has reminded me of the invasion of Iraq a little. 100s of thousands of innocents dead apparently for the greater good. Well if any were my relatives I may have a different view. Often the ones bombing are idealogs who will not be directly, emotionally or otherwise, affected by the carpet bombing.

This is a post on the BBC website in response to a question on the cuts. Oh sorry I mean spending review. After a meeting with David Cameron I was asked to refrain from using the word cuts in reference to the cuts. So the word cuts and spending review will now mean one and the same. This is just so i dont say cuts too often when referring to it, the spending review.

I digress. My response on the BBC blogs:

History will prove this to be all folly. There is only a feint whiff of pragmatism in all these cuts. An ideology of small government is stinking through all of this and no one seems to notice. They say that after a few minutes in the pigsty you don't really notice the smell any more!
"The bourgeoisie, by the rapid
improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication,
draws all, even the most barbarian, nations into civilisation."
Now that simply wont happen if we cut everyone out of a means to make money and grow. Investment, investment, investment by Education, education and so on. We are blindly ruining a whole generation all because of some libertarian extremism brushed up as the country's saviour!
Oh Karl Marx wrote the quote. So even the so called inventor of Communism was really a social democrat at heart. The solution is more important than the method of achieving it. The question is, what is the solution in your mind?

Confidence is the key here. This is not achieved by demoralising a nation. There is a good way out of this. This is not it. This is a confidence trick